Hang Out… Gettin’ Real…
This Month’s “GETTIN’ REAL” Question:
Now is a season of renewal so I ask you…What one area of your life do you want to improve? Why?
Be sure to tell us your name and grade! Send your answers in an email to tam@teenwisdom.com and check back for my advice next month!
May “Get Real” Question:
What relationship in your life really needs some improvement, and what can YOU begin to do about it?
Past “Get Real” Questions and Responses:
With the thought of school starting very soon, what is the one thing about it that stresses you out?
Here were the Top 5 Responses:
- Tons of homework
- Not having a boyfriend
- Friendship/Girl Drama
- Mean/over-demanding teachers
- Parents who expect me to get straight A’s/Family Pressure
Here’s my advice Girls! Do your best to take your life one day at a time… sure, that’s much easier said than done, right? But listen, there will always be tons of homework, unfortunately, that’s what school is about. You will get it all done if you pace yourself. And, if you know that you have given 100% of your effort in a class, even if you don’t get the “A” (or even the B) don’t be too hard on yourself. Your parents will always want the best for you and sometimes it seems they are really strict about grades or you doing your best. Let them know that you are trying your hardest by studying in front of them or asking them for help every once in a while. Chances are, they just want to feel included and “in the loop” about what’s going on in your life academically and socially! Give them a chance to feel connected to you!