What’s NEW at Teen Wisdom.com!

Click Here To Learn About The Teen Wisdom Inc. Virtual Life Coaching Program
I wish I could be meeting in person right now with so many of you from all over the world who write me here, but since that is not possible just yet, I must tell you that I am fired up to have you visiting me on this page.
I really consider it your site because this place is truly one that I want you to come to knowing how important and valuable you are to me, the other girls you will be able to interact with on the site, and to the world in general.
Any step you EVER take to personally learn more about yourself contributes to the wellbeing of everyone on our planet because everyday YOU positively affect many peoples’ lives.
I created this site because I know that major stress and pressure exists in your lives.
I also believe your teen
years can be a great time! And I, as your life coach, (and all of us at Teen Wisdom) want to make sure of that! Look, there is a lot to live up to being a teen girl in our society today. Trust me, it hasn’t been that long for me. So, I wanted this to be a place you could come to knowing that you have someone who ”gets it!”
Here’s what you’ll find on the site:
Information about me, (why I’m a life coach, and how you can work with me personally as your coach!) the life coaching programs we offer, inspiration, and information about my popular program called oneness4girls and how to find a Certified Teen Wisdom Inc. Coach in your area. As you explore the site you will also find goodies for you, info about upcoming events, what other girls are saying about Teen Wisdom Inc. and of course a special section for parents to find out about more about Teen Wisdom Inc. and who I am.
~Amanda, Age 16, San Diego, CA
“Tami helps me put my life in perspective. She makes things clear. She gives me hope and shares real life secrets I need to hear about. Her metaphors and sense of humor teach me how to handle my problems. She lets me know I’m not the only one going through my insecurities. She “gets” what teen girls are going through, because she has gone through it too!”
~Laura, Age 15, Santa Monica, CA
“Basically Tami, you and the Teen Wisdom Inc. life coaching have made me comfortable liking and accepting who I am. That’s a big deal to me!”
~Karen, Age 13, Los Angeles, CA
~Mark Victor Hansen, Co-Creator, Chicken Soup For The Soul
“Did Wells” Journals: The #1 Way To Build Self Esteem!
A simple, yet powerful process of self-acknowledgement (meaning giving yourself a “high five!”) in order to increase and maintain high self-esteem.